Events 2011

Subject: A Seminar by Cathy Kell

Date: 23 November 2011

Place: COL, 2-4pm

Presenter: Cathy Kell


Subject: Multimodality in Education Colloquium

Date: 9-11 September 2011

Place: Mont Fleur, Stellenbosch

Guests Speakers: Professor Gunther Kress; Professor Carey Jewitt

The aim of the colloquium is to discuss key concepts and methodologies related to multimodality in South African educational contexts. It will look at the theoretical and methodological uptake of multimodal approaches in a range of educational domains in South Africa, including Language, Literature, Arts, Music, and Health Sciences. Of interest are the ways in which our context has illuminated aspects of the theory with particular nuances. Crucially, multimodal approaches have been linked to larger political agendas around ‘access’, in the broadest sense. Much of the research has been an attempt to make visible students’ resources which are often not noticed or valued in formal educational settings. The colloquium has a strong methodological focus, aiming to develop and adapt multimodal research methods and theory to the South African context. It also aims to research forms of pedagogy appropriate to the multilingual and diverse cultural contexts of South Africa.

This has resonances for other global contexts which are engaging with access and diversity issues.

The research emanating from this colloquium will be significant in a number of ways. Firstly, it will investigate new directions in multimodal research. Secondly, it will make visible those resources which are often not noticed or not valued in formal educational settings. Thirdly, we will grapple with issues of assessment of multimodal genres and explore the new criteria that may be required. Finally, the significance will be methodological, with the focus falling on developing methods of researching multimodality in different educational arenas.

We hope to produce a series of articles for a special edition of a journal, focusing on multimodal approaches and their affordances in the South African context.


Subject: Marry quantitative approaches with textual analysis

Date: 1 June 2011

Place: Writing Centre, 2-4pm

Presenter: Lauren Scheepers


Subject: Writers’ Retreat

Date: 23-25 May 2011

Place: Stellenbosch Lodge, Stellensbosch

The Writers’ Retreat aims to research forms of pedagogy appropriate to the multilingual and diverse cultural contexts of South Africa.


Subject: A Proposal Presentation

Date: 4 May 2011

Place: Writing Centre, 2-4pm

Presenter: Rachel Weiss


Subject: Methodological Frameworks

Date: 20 April 2011

Place: Writing Centre, 2-4pm

Presenters: Cheng-Wen Huang; Terri Grant


Subject: A social semiotic approach to jewellery design and pedagogy

Date: 13 April 2011

Place: Writing Centre, 2-4pm

Presenter: Safia Salaam


Subject: Posters in academic research

Date: 30 March 2011

Place: Writing Centre, 2-4pm

Presenter: Stacey Stent, Rachel Weiss and Arlene Archer


Subject: A multimodal exploration of students’ networks to understand the role technologies play in strengthening and weakening social and academic boundaries

Date: 16 March 2011

Place: Writing Centre, 2-4pm

Presenter: Cheryl Brown and Laura Czerniewicz


Subject: Planning of the Year; 5 ICOM conference feedback

Date: 14 February 2011

Place: Writing Centre, 2-4pm

Presenter: Arlene Archer

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